Sh2-132 è un’estesa nebulosa a emissione visibile nella costellazione di Cefeo, distante oltre 10.000 anni luce dal nostro sistema solare.
Si individua sul bordo meridionale della costellazione, a breve distanza dal confine con la Lucertola, lungo il piano della Via Lattea; il periodo più indicato per la sua osservazione nel cielo serale ricade fra i mesi di luglio e dicembre ed è notevolmente facilitata per osservatori posti nelle regioni dell’emisfero boreale terrestre.
Le parole dell’autore: It is a mosaic made up of 4 panels. The exposure of each panel is 6h30min for a total exposure of approximately 26 hours. Each photo has an exposure of 600s binning1.
The resolution of the final image was doubled by drizzle for a total resolution of 15222 x 10310.
The capture of this object was spread over almost 2 months (August and September).
Some info on this nebula:
Sh2 -132 is a large emission nebula visible in the constellation Cepheus, and is located at a distance of nearly 10,400 light years. SH2-132 contains many variable stars. These are stars whose magnitude varies over time.
Technical details :
Location: France – Vosges. Sky quality: Bortle 3
Telescope: Skywatcher 200/1000 ventilated
Frame: Az EQ6 GT Pro
Imaging camera: Cooled monochrome ASI1600 Pro
Guide camera: Altaïr GPcam2
Guiding optics: Optical prism splitter
ZWO Filters Alpha Hydrogen and Oxygen III
Optical aberration correction: COMA Baader corrector
ZWO electronic autofocus
Software details:
Capture: N.I.N.A
Guidance: PHD2
Pre-treatment and treatment: Pixinsight
Corrective treatment: Adobe Lightroom – Topaz Gigapixel Al
Author: Jordan Marlière